We would like to invite everyone to become a patron of the library. Membership is free and easy to obtain. You will simply need to go to the library circulation desk, provide your name, address, phone number and I.D.; agree to abide by our rules and regulations, and you can start enjoying our library immediately.
Books may be checked out for 14 days and videos may be checked out for 2 days. If returned late, a fine of $.10 cents per day for each book and $1.00 per day for each video will be charged. Computers with internet access are available for public use at a charge of $1.00 per hour. Materials may be printed or copied for 10 cents per page.
The library has a very popular Summer Reading Program for children 2 years old through 6th grade. During the months of June and July, we act as host to several entertaining and educational programs, sponsor a story hour one morning each week, and reward children for reading achievements.
The Bellville Public Library has about 30,000 volumes, which includes books, magazines, audio books, videos and various directories and reference books. Many historical records relating to Austin County are also available in different formats. Some examples are census rolls (1850-1910), cemetery records, local newspapers (1904-2000), ships passenger lists, maps and pictures. We have a memorial program, interlibrary loan program, income tax forms and an ongoing book sale, so be sure to come by a visit soon.